Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I saw this license plate last summer and it made my heart skip a beat. Seeing the date, November 10th, use to be a happy day because it meant that it was my mom's birthday. Now, with my daddy being killed by a drunk driver on that same day, the date is a little tough to think about. So, today is the day. It is November 10th again. One year ago, while my mom was at home preparing her birthday tea party, a drunk driver took the life of my father in an instant. I still physically shake my head when thinking about his death. I still can't believe it happened. We all miss him so much and it just seems that it will never be the same without him. My daddy was so sweet and so fun to talk to about anything. He loved his family. And...he still has so many that love him...forever. xoxo


Anonymous said...

One year came and went so fast, and yet some days it seems as if it has been forever; I miss you terribly - I love you always!

Anonymous said...

It has been 18 months now, Honey. How?Why? There are no answers...only the ongoing emptiness. I am joyful for you as you bathe in the Light and Love of our Lord. Yet the ache of the void left here is at times too much. I love you just as I always have loved you. The memories of you are vivid, real, and living in my heart, and in the hearts of the family you loved so much.
Yours as always, Sandy

lara said...

It is so hard to "celebrate" special days without you, Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I have held you in my heart all day. (for the last two years really). But, today was different. Somehow the day was full of hope; full of expectation. It is the first time I can recall feeling that way in a long time. You are a Real Part of me, who I am, what I do, how I think; and somehow that seems to be the way it all should be; and I can continue to be the woman you loved, the one you would be cheering on and the one who would be living in your light! It doesn't change the way I miss you, and ache for you. But, maybe I am finding a way to live in your light now......maybe. Thank you for your love, your support, your nearness. I do feel it. I love you, as always, and completely, Sandy

Anonymous said...

Honey, it is Holy Week again. Today is Palm Sunday. I led a reflection on the Pascahl Mystery yesterday with You in my heart. It was the annual Retreat for RCIA where you used to sing "Were You There?" I could almost hear you once again. I know that you exist, you know all of us still, and you still love us. But the pain of being unable to see you or touch you is terrible. I think of you at every minute, and especially when I sit in the quiet I try to feel you nearby. This is the only way I know to send you my love. Almost 3 and a half years without your physical life and I love you more than ever. Sandy