Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10th

Today has been 9 months since my father was killed...Tragically taken away from his loving family. Please DON'T DRINK and DRIVE!


Sandy said...

I came here now at 1:06 just a few minutes it will be 9 months since I held my Honey, and off-handedly said "Bye" as he left to go sing with some friends....I don't have anything to is so quiet. I am hollow inside. I know I have so much love from my precious girls,and grandchildren, friends...I try to concentrate on my blessings. But not right now, not this hour....I'm thankful for the phone calls I received today: from Kara, Cherry, and Joe so far. I know I am loved. Do you count the days, the months, too, Honey? it is 1:15...........soon it will be l:30 again...
and another month will begin without YOU.
I love you .........

Sandy said...

Now it has been 10 months. When does the ticking off of time elapsed stop? I am loving you so much today Honey.....just like everyday!